Help Pave a Path for a WasteLess World
It is time to take action
The waste crisis is massive, but together we can realise that everything has value. Your generosity will empower children to become a force of change, enabling them to become the environmental leaders of tomorrow. Know that your one-time or recurring donation will bring innovative educational materials to children all over India.
Your 12$ donation can empower one student to become a changemaker.

Our Work
We are currently living within a linear consumption model where resources are extracted to make products that end up thrown away as waste. We are depleting and polluting our planet's resources 1.7 times faster than they can renew. This is jeopardising the future of our coming generations.
We at WasteLess are on a mission to change that.
Together we can create a future where everything has value; a world where the concept of waste is only present in our history textbooks. We believe that changing the future starts with educating children today - the future generations of tomorrow. By translating cutting-edge science into innovative hands-on classroom curriculums and scaling its impact by collaborating with educational ministries and NGOs, we can empower millions of students to become WasteLess superheroes!
Join us and become part of a large network of educational visionaries committed to empowering the children of their communities.

Our Impact To Date
Children Reached
Schools Affiliated
Teachers Trained
Our Partners