Learning for a Clean Sea
The Sea Change programme is a 5-lesson tool kit developed in 2022.
This innovative educational programme is tailored towards reducing marine plastic pollution at the source by educating children through informative content, hands-on experiments, interactive games and a fun celebration. It aims to inspire students to become conscious protectors of our oceans.
Sea Change is the first curriculum in the world that talks about the microplastics cycle similar to the water or carbon cycle.
For students aged 10 to 13 years.
Included Subjects: English and Science.
Available in English, Hindi and Tamil.
The Sea Change Programme Includes
Five interactive lessons
Comprehensive lesson plans
Student booklets
Lesson learning boards
Microbead experiment kit
Teacher and student certificates and student badges
Partner With Us
The curriculum is available on demand.
If you are interested in receiving the Sea Change programme to inspire your students, have a look at how to become
our partner.
Shubhra Ketu Foundation