It starts with you

We at WasteLess are firm believers that children like you are the ones who are going to lead the change. It does not matter how old you are, whether you are 5 or 92, all you need is a compassionate heart and commitment to making a difference, for yourself and those around you. Change starts with a generation who believe in a better world.

India produces 532 million kilos of waste every day. That is a big number.
Think of it this way…

If you would collect all that waste in your school buses and line them all up, you would need a total of around 300,000 buses. They would create a 2789 km traffic jam. That is all the way from the southern tip of India in Kanyakumari to the capital, Delhi, in the North. Every single day of the week - and that is only in India!

So, what can you do?

The waste crisis needs everyone on board! You can tell your teachers about our work and ask them to reach out to us, so that the story of waste becomes part of your school lessons. This way you will raise awareness amongst all your school friends. 

Small Actions you can take

Choose freshly-made ice creams in yummy waffle cones!

Snack on seasonal flavourful fruits.

Have fun shopping with your own colorful cloth bag.

Pester your parents to switch your lunchbox and water bottle to stainless steel.

Play the kNOw PLASTICS Memory Game with Us!

What else?

Organise a litter clean up with your family and friends.
Making a difference starts right at your doorstep. Remember, litter attracts more litter. Become the change you want to see and inspire the people in your neighbourhood to keep your environment clean and healthy through leading by example.

Get creative with our Sea Change programme activities. Make origami seahorses and fish or colour in our fun pages with your friends while raising awareness about ocean plastic pollution.